November Meeting Announcement

The next meeting for Photographers East will be held on the Monday, November 19th, 2012, starting at 8PM (one hour later than usual) in the Community Room of Bridgehampton National Bank in Bridgehampton, Snake Hollow Rd in Bridgehampton. (The bank will be closed on the 2nd Monday of November because of Veterans Day.)

Barbara Macklowe will present images from her new book, India in My Eyes. Barbara will have copies of her book available for purchase at the meeting.
Barbara Macklowe photography book, India in My EyesFrom the forward of her book:

“India, its landscape, architectural splendors, people and customs have long been subjects of fascination for photographers. The exquisite images of the photographer Barbara Macklowe thrust us into a world few have seen or think of as India. Yet we can see and feel a familiarity with the people and places in her photographs. We experience both the differences and the sameness among us all.

The images in this book are a reflection of one photographer’s experience of this diverse land and her attempts to peer beneath the surface to reveal its human dimension. She has an uncanny ability to connect with her subjects. The result is a very personal visual journey, which, Macklowe believes, reveals the warmth, beauty and humanity of the Indian people. She says, “I think, see and dream in full colour. I can spend hours watching the light and its effects on natural subjects, which is never the same but always interesting, and sometimes even breathtaking; and those are the moments I hope to capture on film.” She reveals a land of beauty, hardship and joy that breathes with life and surges with energy.”

I encourage you to visit her website: