December Meeting Announcement

The next meeting for Photographers East will be held on the Monday, December 10th, 2012, starting at the regular hour at 7PM in the Community Room of Bridgehampton National Bank in Bridgehampton, Snake Hollow Rd in Bridgehampton.  This meeting will also serve as our Holiday Party, including party refreshments after the presentation.

Biddle Worthington has prepared a number of images, for our next meeting, which demonstrate the use of polarizing filters:

Today’s digital darkroom often allows us to “filter” our images in the computer after capture.  The polarizing filter is a notable exception – no software can match the selective transmission of light a polarizing filter can yield during an image capture.  Biddle’s demonstration will inspire us to kick it up a notch with polarizing filters.

Here’s a capture without the polarizing filter:

Here is the same shot, within seconds, with Biddle’s secret sauce:

After his talk we can Celebrate the Season at our last meeting this year. I’m looking forward to being with you and your (optional) guest next Monday night.
